Thursday, August 21, 2008
The trouble with Sheep
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Oh the slacker that I am
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Summer is coming to a close
For some reason I am glad. Maybe because this week has consisted of (and it only gets worse) too much stuff. Three days of dancing workshops and auditions for Twinkle Toes. Three days of Soccer camp for the boys. Practice for the upcoming Rodeo that Twinkle Toes and her brothers will be in. Scouts. Church Activity. School shopping. And to top it all off it is our City Celebration week. There are activities every night and some in the day all of this week.
So, we did most of Twinkle Toes school shopping online (thank goodness), but I had to take the boys to get shoes. This was sooooo not fun. The mall+ a frazzled mom+ three boys= A even more frazzled mom. We did accomplish the task. New shoes for three boys, even though the youngest will not be in school this year, some pants, and some shirts. I also bought Twinkle Toes some shoes. Wrong size, what the heck. So I made 2 trips to the mall today with those boys. I do not like to shop for school. That is all there is too it.
The only good thing about school is that I get my sanity back. A schedule. I am sooooo much better when on a schedule. In these weeks before school I have been known to have panic attacks. I don't know why. Maybe my internal timer just knows that I cannot take anymore. I will be sad though. And who knows what I am to do with Monkey #3 when all the others are gone all day.