Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why, oh Why

So you know I have 5 kids. I didn't realize how much damage they could do. For some odd reason they really like to break things. Especially my things. And especially these three boys that I had right in a row. Usually they break things that mean a lot to me or that I really need. For example a few weeks ago they ruined my round brush that I use every day to do my hair. They totally smashed it. Or they ruin things with spray paint which if you go back far enough on this blog you can witness. Well, about a week or so ago my broom came up missing. So I bought a new one a couple days ago and low and behold if those little buggers didn't break that dang broom in half. I just do not know what would posess 3 little boys to break a broom in half, but I am not a little boy and I have never been a little boy so I guess I would never know. For lack of my camera being out of commission right now all you get is a picture of the broom I wish I had so I could fly away to a place where little boys do not break my stuff. Even my broom. Which I need to sweep up the crumbs that they leave all over the floor.

Hopefully my next post will be sooner and be full of happiness!!!


Molly said...

Try duct tape on your broom. I have been trying to explain to husband that all kids break stuff. Ours do too...

Petersons said...

I know? What is it about BOYS? Mitchell always breaks or mame's something valuable when he's "just messin around" with it.

Angela said...

Hang in there Jenny! Once day when they are older you can remind them what boogers they were and get payback!

Wilkinson Family said...

Ah yes! BOYS, it is in their blood...people say they will out grow it, but I'm starting to not believe them :) Funny thing is I was having a trying day when I read this post (things had been broken or harmed) and it somewhat helps to know it's not just my boys! LOVE YA

Tente não rir said...

Interessantes , gostei . meu blog , so é para dar risada , olhe la